Scam Recovery Hub

Get Back What Is Yours!

Our expertise spans over diverse sectors, from crypto trading to consumer protection. If you've fallen victim to any scam, we're here to assist you in getting back what is rightfully yours.

Get a free consultation to see if you are eligible for a refund

✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
What type of scam did you fall victim to?*(Required)
Amount lost*(Required)

Who we are ?

Scam Recovery Hub (registered in The United States under Transparent Business Solutions B.V., Company Number 78091624) is a funds recovery company based in the United States. Our dedicated team of professional IT forensic analysts, anti-fraud specialists, and case coordinators have vast working knowledge in online trading scams and other types of fraud. We assist clients globally to submit disputes against fraudulent entities.
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Satisfied customers
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Countries we have active cases in

why choose us?

why choose us?

Top Industry Leaders

Our global team of AML and law experts excel in resolving complex cases worldwide.

Swift Solutions

Leverage Scam Recovery Hub's extensive knowledge for prompt case processing and resolution.

Customized dispute resolution

Experience personalized attention with our tailored approach, ensuring in-depth analysis and effective solutions.

Diverse Scam

We specialize in addressing various scams, from intricate fraud schemes to cybercrime.

Scam Recovery Hub leverages regulations and consumer rights for professional recovery services. Upon validating your request and confirming fraud, we guide you through the refund process, deciding on the best recovery approach together. Benefit from a free consultation to initiate your case, with our team representing you before the fraudulent company, banks, regulators, and relevant entities. Our global partners, comprising former law enforcement officers and banking specialists, bring unique anti-fraud solutions with the highest ethical standards, ensuring optimal asset recovery for our clients.